
December 11, 2009

yay Christmas party?

I woke up in a bad mood this morning.

As soon as I opened my eyes, fear and dread overcame me.

The hubbs and I are attending his squadron's Christmas party tonight.

For a moment, I thought about acting like I was sick to try and get out of going. And yet, I got out of bed anyway to make my husband breakfast.

You see, the reason I am dreading this party so much, is because I am now an unsocial person. The move to Germany made me that way. I also absolutely hate awkward situations. And every squadron function we have gone to is awkward. No one can seem to carry on a conversation... not even about the dang weather. We are always asked the same questions. "So, how are you liking Germany?" "Sarah, are you working? Are you going to school?" "When are yall going to have babies? You know what they say; you either come back from Germany with a Cuckoo Clock or a kid!" Every conversation ends with that silence, where everyone is looking around, swaying, and waiting for that moment to leave. I'm telling you, it's just uncomfortable. And with any other Christmas party, there is a dress code. "Casual Formal" is what is says on the ticket. So, I will be wearing a dress tonight. Ugh. For those of you who know me, know that I don't dress up. When I worked for BofA, my work attire was even a bit too dressy for me.

I will report back tomorrow with how it went.

Wish me luck.

I am going to need it.


Unknown said...

You will do fine sis! But wishing you good luck anyway!

Megan Haney said...

Srsly, be yourself! You're one of the sweetest,FUNNIEST people I've EVER had the pleasure of meeting Sarah, and you're holding so many people out on the awesomeness of SARAH being so quiet!


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